Safety Assessments
Ensure that your organization is safe by design.
For most organizations, the human performance component of safety provides the biggest opportunity for improvement. Consistency in both safety leadership practices and frontline safe behavior are essential for safety excellence. The first step to achieving consistency is to analyze behavior in context by understanding the myriad of influences on people as they work.
Whether your goal is basic compliance to safety rules, systematic application of Safety Management System tools, increasing frontline supervisor effectiveness, or strengthening your serious injury and fatality prevention, ADI offers a targeted safety assessment to support you in achieving safety success. Our scientific approach to analyzing human performance helps organizations focus limited time and resources on improvement strategies most likely to be effective. ADI offers the following types of safety assessments:
Safety Culture Assessment: Improving safety culture requires clarity on the desired state, an accurate assessment of the current state, and concrete steps to close the gap. ADI’s experience across organizations means we know what the essential elements of an exemplary culture are. Our behavioral expertise means we know what it takes to achieve it. We start with a review of your safety management system. We conduct observations and interviews to evaluate current practices that promote your desired safety culture and practices that are ineffective or undermine culture improvement. After assessing the intended and unintended influences on safety culture, ADI can help you build a roadmap for safety culture improvement.
Safety Systems Assessment: Many organizations have comprehensive Safety Management Systems including components such as JSAs, near miss reporting, fatal risk management, root cause analyses, leader safety interactions, and peer observation systems. While these systems provide the opportunity to manage safety more proactively, are they as effective as we think? All too often, well-designed systems and processes are used inconsistently, resulting in disappointing impact. ADI analyzes your safety systems from a behavioral science perspective and identifies which systems are working as planned, which are falling short, and what to do to improve their effectiveness. In addition to safety systems, ADI assesses the impact of other organizational systems (e.g., production incentives, quality processes), checking for competing contingencies that inadvertently discourage working safely. Our assessments provide a true picture of safety system effectiveness, overall system influences on safety, and clear recommendations for improvement.
BBS Readiness: Engaging everyone in the organization is an essential ingredient for safety excellence. Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) is a great way to engage the frontline, however there are some important prerequisites to ensure BBS will be effective. Introducing BBS before the organization is ready will not only undermine successful implementation, it can actually cause a setback in employee engagement that can take years to overcome. ADI has implemented hundreds of BBS processes, and we know what it takes to make it work. Our BBS readiness assessment will help you determine if you are ready for BBS, and if not, will identify what steps you need to take for success