A continuous improvement culture that actively engages the workforce is essential for operational excellence and innovation. Through a behavioral lens, ADI’s Lean assessment examines the implementation and impact of your lean practices, including how the organization’s culture (e.g., strategic direction, work environment, expertise, and leadership and employee engagement) enhances or impedes those practices.

With roots in the automotive industry, Lean methodologies have quickly spread beyond manufacturing to become continuous improvement staples. Long-term sustainability is baked into many Lean tools and processes by design, but in practice Lean initiatives often fail to sustain. This results in a significant gap between the potential for improvement and the gains that are realized.

ADI’s Lean assessment focuses on the often overlooked but critical element to keep any redesigned process operating as it should – human performance. Just as equipment and machinery need regular maintenance, new process behaviors require maintenance to ensure they become second nature. ADI’s Lean assessment will identify environmental constraints and human performance gaps. This gap analysis will provide a clear path for grafting a human performance improvement methodology onto your Lean initiatives so that you maintain new process behaviors and sustain hard-earned gains.

Sample Lean processes and tools included in the assessment:

  • Kaizen Events: Planning, Implementation, and Follow-Up
  • Tiered Meetings
  • Visual Management
  • Kanban
  • Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
  • Gemba Walks
  • A3 Problem Solving
  • 5S