Expert Performance: Apologies to Dr. Ericsson, But it is Not 10,000 Hours of Deliberate Practice

Dr. Anders Ericsson's research on expertise has finally received some good attention in Malcolm Gladwell's book, Outliers and Geoff Colvin's book, Talent Is Overrated. These books place a new…

Google is Looking for Answers in the Wrong Place

In a May 19th article in the WSJ, Scott Morrison wrote, Google Searches for Staffing Answers. The article is about the fact that Google has recently lost a number of top executives and other midlevel…

Talk Does Not Cook Rice

On hearing of the North Korea test of a nuclear bomb, Obama said, "The U.S. will take action." I hope he will. However, I am afraid that he meant that he will get other people (U. N. and China) to…

“We Are Lost, But We Are Making Good Time”

 In a USA article about GM’s decision to close 15 plants for 9 weeks, Stephen Spivey, a senior auto analyst for the research company of Frost & Sullivan is quoted as saying, "Production has…

Ask Aubrey: Behavior of the Ages

A blogger up for a new postition recently posed this question to Aubrey:   "How would you advise approaching and managing a new staff that could possibly be older than you?"…

Knowledge of Behavior Is Never Irrelevant

Can you believe it, they have me blogging. At age 73, no less. Hey, behavior changes. I have just read Growing Up Digital the latest book by Don Tapscott. He talks a lot about the NetGeneration, ages…