Looking for something specific? The following topics address a wide range of business needs and challenges.
A Tale of Two Telematics
With the improvements in occupational safety over the past two decades, incidents within the workplace have been greatly reduced. Those organizations for which driving is a requirement have found…
Surveillance for Amazon Drivers? Keys to Monitoring Driving Safety
Five U.S. Senators wrote to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on March 3, 2021 to express their concerns about surveillance cameras with tracking software being installed in some delivery vans operated by…
5 Tips for Supporting Teens With Online Learning
We have all been hearing about the home-schooling struggles of parents of younger school-age kids. The fact that my kids are 17 and 19 is one of the things I feel grateful for during this time of…
The Science of Ghosting
It has probably happened to you, but you just didn’t know it by name: Ghosting. Ghosting is the act of actively ignoring or dodging attempts to be contacted through various mediums—e.g., texts, phone…
Eliminating Rare Errors: Sleeping Air Traffic Controllers Are Just the Tip of the Iceberg
Several years ago it was reported that an air traffic controller deliberately made his bed and slept in it while on duty at a Tennessee airport. I am sure many people think that was an isolated…
Is “Deskilling” a Threat to Safety in Your Workplace?
Maybe you’ve heard the term de-skilling. It refers to the loss of knowledge or skills on the part of a person as a result of technology doing more of the work for them. In work environments…
Electronic Performance Monitoring: When Good Intentions Turn to Digital Hammers
Electronic performance monitoring tools (let’s call them EPMs) are becoming more prevalent in the workplace. The transportation sector seems to be leading the pack at the moment. Dr. Ron…
Life Hacking With Behavioral Science
Many of us are in the deliberate search for better, easier, faster, more effective ways of getting things done. We look for optimization in all sorts of pursuits; fitness, cooking, business…
1984 May Be Closer Than You Think
I received an unsolicited email from a company that is selling software that they say “can reveal to you (SIC) what your employees do during business hours. It reminded me of George Orwell’s popular…
When is Enough, Enough in Education?
On NPR this week I heard a report of a study on teacher education in the US. The study evaluated over 1400 colleges of education and found that 7 out of 10 are doing a poor job in teaching…